Friday, February 20, 2015

Unit 4: Atoms

 A Joke to get you started 
An electron is speeding down the road, and gets pulled over by a cop.
The cop asks, "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
"Yes," the election replies, "but I haven't the slightest clue where I am!"

Ever Wonder How Elements are Formed?

Do you like Country music or need a good laugh? Check out this song about fission and fusion

Radioactivity explained with animation:

Quarks: Inside the Atom

Quarks and leptons for beginners (Only the first 1min 45sec is important)

Quarks: Standard Model of Particle Physics

Gold Foil Experiment Animation links: 
Click the link:

Click the link:

Powers of Ten (magnification of the universe by powers of 10... this is very POWERFUL!!)
Click the link:

Read about The Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Click the link:

Now check out some pictures that were taken with this microscope!
Click the link:

PhET: Build an Atom Simulator!
Click the link:

Flame Test Video: Dramatic!

Flame Test Video: Realistic... still great!

Periodic Videos (Interactive! Info about EACH element on the Periodic Table)
Click the Link:

The Atom's Family Story...

The Atom's Family Song...(You have to sing this while you watch!)

Now this family will show you how to sing it...

Parts of the Atom by Mr. Parr

Inside the Atom by Mr. Parr

Atomic Structure by Mr. Parr

Atoms by Bill Nye 

Cartoons with science names!

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