Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Unit 2: States of Matter

Entropy - Chaos - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - This is a long video BUT this guy is funny. You do not need to know the math for this course so you only really need to watch about the first 5 1/2 minutes (until the end of his demonstration -- which is pretty neat!). 

How does salt melt ice? Check out this article and SIMULATION!
Click the Link:

Lesson about Specific Heat & Changes of State
With animation!!
Click the link:

Heating Curve Simulation!
Click the link:

States of Matter and Heating Curve Animation 
Click the link:
http://www.footprints-science.co.uk/index.php?module=2&type=States of matter&section=Section1&info=5

Video to see the Ice Cream Maker Ball in action!!

Bill Nye the Science Guy on HEAT

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