Friday, May 8, 2015

Unit 9: Acids & Bases

Litmus Joke to get you started...

Student Drawing to Summarize Acids and Bases

Coke Cans in Acids and Bases - WOW "Brilliant" Aluminium! Ewwww. Very Exothermic...

Annoying yet catchy tune... 
"Acids and Bases Have Two Different Faces"

PhET Simulation: Acid-Base Solutions
click the link:

Testing Acids and Bases on Litmus Paper
See REAL tests...

GAME: Acids and Bases Juice Bar
Click the link:

GAME: Work out how Acidic and Basic Substances Are
Click the link:

PhET Simulation: pH Scale
click the link:

Milk of Magnesia

In Classroom Demonstration: 
Buffered and Unbuffered Solutions

Acid Mine Drainage and Precipitates

Environmental scientists explore how acid drainage from abandon coal mines affects the pH of water and deposits harmful metal precipitates in streams.
Click the link:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Unit 8: Chemical Reactions

Keep watching! The 2nd chemical reaction is very dramatic!

Chemical Reaction - Mr. Parr's Song

Online Flashcard... Study the Key Terms for Unit 8!

PhET Balancing Simulation! 
Click the link to Run or Download

Khan Academy: Balancing Chemical Equations 

A beginner's guide to Balancing Equations

How to Balance Chemical Equations

Explanation of Activation Energy

See what an Endothermic Reaction can do!

Very short video  -- 
See what an Exothermic Reaction can do!

COMBUSTION! Igniting Methane bubbles in the air! 

Explanation of Electrolytes

Spontaneous Reaction

Types of Chemical Reactions

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Unit 7: Bonds

How Water Dissolves Salt (no sound but good image!)

Song: Its a Family Thing! (Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, and functional groups)

Electronic Configuration & Position of Element in the PT

Dogs Teaching Chemistry!! - Chemical Bonds

How to Easily Name Ionic Compounds

Atomic Bonding Song

The Ionic Bond Song

How to Draw Lewis Structures: Five Easy Steps

SIMULATION!: Building Molecules with Lewis Dot Structures
Click the link >>>

The Chemical Bonds Song! - Animated - Mr. Edmunds

Metallic Bonding Annimation
Click this link >>>

Hydrogen Bonding: The Awakening of Water Girl: Melting of Ice

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Unit 6: Mixtures

Mixtures - Explained by 2 cool dudes :)

Khan Academy Video
Suspensions, colloids and solutions: The difference between Molarity and Molality.

Separating Mixtures Interactive Lesson 
Click the link below to start the lesson:

Mr. Parr: Separating Mixtures

Mr. Edwards: The solutions song

Mr. Duell: Types of Mixtures (screencast lesson)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Unit 5: Elements

Meet the Elements song

Hunting the Elements!  (PBS video, about 2 hours long)
Program Description: 
Where do nature’s building blocks, called the elements, come from? They’re the hidden ingredients of everything in our world, from the carbon in our bodies to the metals in our smartphones. To unlock their secrets, David Pogue, the lively host of NOVA’s popular "Making Stuff" series and technology correspondent of The New York Times, spins viewers through the world of weird, extreme chemistry: the strongest acids, the deadliest poisons, the universe’s most abundant elements, and the rarest of the rare—substances cooked up in atom smashers that flicker into existence for only fractions of a second.
Click on this link (not the picture below) to watch the video:


Element Song (Fast and Fun!)

Online Interactive Periodic Table 

Periodic Table that has a link to a video for EACH element:

The Periodic Table of COMIC BOOKS!! 

How elements are formed:

Rapping the Elements

Friday, February 20, 2015

Unit 4: Atoms

 A Joke to get you started 
An electron is speeding down the road, and gets pulled over by a cop.
The cop asks, "Do you have any idea how fast you were going?"
"Yes," the election replies, "but I haven't the slightest clue where I am!"

Ever Wonder How Elements are Formed?

Do you like Country music or need a good laugh? Check out this song about fission and fusion

Radioactivity explained with animation:

Quarks: Inside the Atom

Quarks and leptons for beginners (Only the first 1min 45sec is important)

Quarks: Standard Model of Particle Physics

Gold Foil Experiment Animation links: 
Click the link:

Click the link:

Powers of Ten (magnification of the universe by powers of 10... this is very POWERFUL!!)
Click the link:

Read about The Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Click the link:

Now check out some pictures that were taken with this microscope!
Click the link:

PhET: Build an Atom Simulator!
Click the link:

Flame Test Video: Dramatic!

Flame Test Video: Realistic... still great!

Periodic Videos (Interactive! Info about EACH element on the Periodic Table)
Click the Link:

The Atom's Family Story...

The Atom's Family Song...(You have to sing this while you watch!)

Now this family will show you how to sing it...

Parts of the Atom by Mr. Parr

Inside the Atom by Mr. Parr

Atomic Structure by Mr. Parr

Atoms by Bill Nye 

Cartoons with science names!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Unit 3: Gas Laws

Check out this PhET simulation to manipulate gas properties!
Click the link:

Make a Cartesian Diver!
Click the link for video instructions:

Bill Nye The Science Guy on The Atmosphere

Crash Course on Gas Law

Ha Ha... A Little Gas Humor...

Good Video to prove to you that GASES ARE FLUIDS -- they flow!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Unit 2: States of Matter

Entropy - Chaos - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - This is a long video BUT this guy is funny. You do not need to know the math for this course so you only really need to watch about the first 5 1/2 minutes (until the end of his demonstration -- which is pretty neat!). 

How does salt melt ice? Check out this article and SIMULATION!
Click the Link:

Lesson about Specific Heat & Changes of State
With animation!!
Click the link:

Heating Curve Simulation!
Click the link:

States of Matter and Heating Curve Animation 
Click the link: of matter&section=Section1&info=5

Video to see the Ice Cream Maker Ball in action!!

Bill Nye the Science Guy on HEAT

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Unit 1: Nature of Matter

Physical vs. Chemical Change Cartoon

Physical and Chemical Changes

Viscosity Simulation !!!!
Click the link:

Physical and Chemical Properties

Law of Conservation of Mass

Physical and Chemical Changes cartoon:

How do you know an atom exists if you can't see it? Check out this website:

Simulation of Rutherford's experiment to figure out the structure of an atom:

Study Jams - Properties of Matter:

Study Jams - Physical & Chemical Changes of Matter:

Study Jams - Mixtures:

Study Jams - Elements & Compounds: