Friday, May 8, 2015

Unit 9: Acids & Bases

Litmus Joke to get you started...

Student Drawing to Summarize Acids and Bases

Coke Cans in Acids and Bases - WOW "Brilliant" Aluminium! Ewwww. Very Exothermic...

Annoying yet catchy tune... 
"Acids and Bases Have Two Different Faces"

PhET Simulation: Acid-Base Solutions
click the link:

Testing Acids and Bases on Litmus Paper
See REAL tests...

GAME: Acids and Bases Juice Bar
Click the link:

GAME: Work out how Acidic and Basic Substances Are
Click the link:

PhET Simulation: pH Scale
click the link:

Milk of Magnesia

In Classroom Demonstration: 
Buffered and Unbuffered Solutions

Acid Mine Drainage and Precipitates

Environmental scientists explore how acid drainage from abandon coal mines affects the pH of water and deposits harmful metal precipitates in streams.
Click the link:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Unit 8: Chemical Reactions

Keep watching! The 2nd chemical reaction is very dramatic!

Chemical Reaction - Mr. Parr's Song

Online Flashcard... Study the Key Terms for Unit 8!

PhET Balancing Simulation! 
Click the link to Run or Download

Khan Academy: Balancing Chemical Equations 

A beginner's guide to Balancing Equations

How to Balance Chemical Equations

Explanation of Activation Energy

See what an Endothermic Reaction can do!

Very short video  -- 
See what an Exothermic Reaction can do!

COMBUSTION! Igniting Methane bubbles in the air! 

Explanation of Electrolytes

Spontaneous Reaction

Types of Chemical Reactions